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July 28, 2012

she turns 22...

another birthday has come and gone. usually on my birthday i don't feel any older than the previous day...but i definitely felt older this time around. the big 2-2. i have to say this was a great day from the moment i opened my eyes until i fell asleep that night.

mark woke up before me, as usual, and headed off to work...or so i thought. turns out he had taken the whole day off of work to surprise me & keep me company! 

at 9am i woke up to breakfast in bed {kneader's french toast & a croissant sandwich}. delish! then i opened up some presents from family. i have to say i really did well this birthday. my family beyond spoiled me this year. new camera lens, photography editing software, clothes & another barefoot contessa cookbook! but, the best gift by far were tickets to wicked from the husband! i love love love wicked & it was such a treat to see it for the second time on my birthday with the man i love.
Birthday morning!

Gobbled it up!
My growing cookbook collection

Anthro shopping trip...SUCCESS!

can't wait to see what year 22 has in store for me.

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