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December 12, 2013

Life on the Westside

You guys, it has been FAR too long. But when life gets busy sometimes blogging gets put on the back burner.

So since my last post SO much has changed. Mark & I are no longer Utah residents, we are officially back in the great state of CALIFORNIA! We are living on the westside and loving the change of pace that LA has to offer. (Although can I say that I do actually miss a few things about Utah - Park City, Salt Lake, the slower lifestyle, and Cafe Rio...) Our apartment is still not fully unpacked and we just moved our bed from the living room into the bedroom. Ha, don't ask. ;)

As for my photography business, things have been a bit slower due to changing states, but they are definitely looking up!! I am working as a marketing assistant during the week and building up my business in my free time and on the weekends. I am so excited for the changes to come for Jenna Bechtholt Photography in 2014! Lots of exciting stuff in progress, you stay tuned!

In the meantime, I thought I would share a few of my recent projects with you guys! I hope you are having a wonderful & blessed holiday season. This is by far my favorite time of the year but it always seems to just zip by! So, make sure to take some time to watch those classic holiday films, eat a few too many sweets, put all of those pinterest DIY decoration projects into action, and spend lots of time with good friends and your family.:) CHEERS!

If you are looking for a wedding or lifestyle photographer in the Los Angeles area (I also TRAVEL!) please pop over to Jenna Bechtholt Photography and check out my professional website. Contact me with any questions at


  1. Sounds like things are going great for you! :)

  2. Welcome back to LA! I love your photography. I'm an LA girl so if I need a photographer (or know if anyone looking..) now I know who to use!


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