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August 19, 2012

an afternoon with friends & a camera

this past week has been amazing! i have had to chance to shadow multiple local photographers at various weddings & other occasions. it has been a really great learning experience & chance for me to develop my photography skills. i feel like i have learned so much in the past 4 days.

i am happy to report that i am finally feeling more comfortable using the manual mode on my camera. {manual requires you to change multiple settings on the camera depending on the light, etc. & can be tricky at first} it has been a bit of struggle but i am finally understanding how to get pictures to look the way that i imagine them in my head!

i am just loving taking pictures. & even though i was using my camera all week i just wanted to keep going! so i asked my 2 friends shelby & katie if they would model for me :)

here are a few shots of shelby that i really loved...

 and here are some of katie!

thanks girls!


  1. Jenna your blog is so cute! These pictures are amazing! Keep up the good work :)

  2. Lovely friends!;)

  3. It's inspiring to hear about your progress and passion for photography.


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